We gave away a Tesla Powerwall!

August 3, 2023

If you follow us on social media, you would've seen our Tesla Powerwall giveaway valued up to $18,000! While there were so many fantastic entries, we could only pick one winner.

Congrats to Shirley Mulhern, on winning 1 x Tesla Powerwall System with installation by NRG Solar!

Eddy has come out to scope Shirley's home, with installation just around the corner.

Eddy from NRG Solar sitting at a dining table with the winner of the Tesla Powerwall, discussing installation
Eddy from NRG Solar onsite with the Tesla Powerwall inner, scoping the site for installation

Keep up to date with us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok so you don't miss out on our next giveaway!

Still interested in an Tesla Powerwall for your home? Organise a free on-site quote with the experts at NRG!

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